Oh, last week session is very great. In this session, my beautiful lecturer, Ms. Tika invites us to THINK and DISCUSS how to make effective assessment. Why effective assessment? Because we are candidates of teacher. We aren’t given how to make effective assessment directly, but Ms. Tika elicitate us about it with gives questions and hint or clue.

Actually, to find effective assessment we have to know the condition of class, students, and students’ learning style. Besides that, before we found effective assessment we need pass through steps, and then we get AHA. As happened to Nancy story on paper which is Ms. Tika given, she has assess her students effectively after saws her students achievement. Students’ achievement represents that our/teachers’ learning methods are used effective or not. Not only Nancy’s story, but also Ms. Tika presents Devonne in teaching fraction her fourth grade. She decide how to assess her students and what method will be used after her students given pretest. Not stop until there, Ms. Tika show us a video which shows effective assessment and imagine the assessment as an iceberg.  After that, we divided into several group to decide which one effective and which one ineffective in learning process.

This session gives me new perspective that learning method and assessment can’t be separated. I really happy in this session.

Ms. Tika really prepared me to be a new generation of teacher. Thank you…;)


Reflection PETA

Before I share my reflection I want to say “I’m sorry Ms.tika I came very late, because I don’t know there is a PETA class”. 😦

This is my reflection.

I remember when Ms.Tika gave us an article about de vonne’ experience. Then we discuss with friends about the article and answer the question about that. This article provides an input how we as a prospective teacher in giving the assessment to students. After that Ms.Tika explained about the type of assessment. They are diagnostic, formative, and summative. Then Ms.Tika show a picture of the iceberg and we try to interpret what the meaning of the picture associated with the type of assessment. Then Ms.tika gave an explanation about the meaning of the iceberg picture. From the explanation, I know that a formative assessment not only includes tests and homework but can also be an interactive process with the students. For example, classroom discussions. teacher give feedback is also a very valuable component of the formative assessment process. A summative assessment include midterms and final exams. Summative assessments can also be used to check students’ mastery of a subject every few weeks or month. A diagnostic assessment such us the teacher reviewing about student’s prior knowledge before beginning in the learning process

The end of the lesson Ms.Tika divided us into some groups. She gave a paper that contains kinds of assessment. In that paper there is an effective assessment and ineffective assessments. We must to discuss and match which one is ineffective assessment and effective assessments. After that Ms.tika gave the correct answer about effective and ineffective assesment. In this learning I know that how to give effective assesment to student who can reach the goals of the lesson.

ANUGRAH METI .S. 2009110021

Effective Assessement

Last week I was learnt PETA about how to make effective assessment in the classroom. Now, I know that there are 3 kind of assessment. There are diagnostic, formative and summative. Diagnostic assessment is used for know pre-knowledge of students, then teacher do pre test. Formative assessment is used for know students’ learning process. For example, teacher gives homework, task/assignment. The last is summative assessment. It is usually, teacher use post test. It is used for know how the ability of students, understand or not.

Three of them are very important to support assessment the students. Teacher has to consider and use balance all of them in order to know generally and deeply about understanding students.

Besides that, I was learnt about assessment from Nancy’s story. In the first, Nancy as a teacher assesses her students with paper and pencil test. But, most of the students has bad result. Nancy feel confuse why students get bad result/mark in paper and pencil test. Finally, she changes assessment method for her students. She and her students make rubric to know what aspect which student want to be assessed. After that, she use students presentation as assessment. Students present their working. So, students can understand more and get a good mark.

I also learn assessment from Deffone’s Class story. He use pre test in the first meet. So, he knows about students understanding about fraction with same numerator. And students can answer well the pre test. After that, he gives exercises for students about fractions with different denominator. But, students can’t answer well. So, Deffone explain use simulations and use problem solving questions for assessment. Finally, students can answer well about the questions.

So many experiences can be inspirations for me. Like Nancy and Deffone story. Now, I as a teacher candidate have to prepare and try to make a good assessment. Because, I know to make a good and effective assessment is not easy. We have to consider to characteristic variation all of our students. But, with PETA’s lesson of course with Miss. Kartika, I believe, I can do it. 

Nok Yeni H

PETA Reflection Week 10

I will share my reflection PETA’s class week 10. In that week, we learnt about “Changed approach supported through assessment”. There are some ineffective and effective in the teaching learning process. The ineffective thing is about me and some of my friends who came late.

In the beginning of the class, Ms. Tika asked to us first about our experience, “How did your high school teacher assess students’ learning?”. So, we could share our experience and know the varieties of teacher style when they teach and assess their student. Some of our teacher teach and assess their student with ineffective way.

After that, Ms. Tika gave us the story about Nancy. She is a teacher who has some students whose have problems with Nany’s Lesson. So, Nancy thought to change her assessment way. We have to discuss that story and share about what we though about that story tell about. We were also gave other story by Ms. Tika.
After that, we were devided into some groups and selected so many text about effective and ineffective assessment. It was difficult for us. But when Ms. Tika gave us know about the true answer, we all understand that so many effective and ineffective assessment in the teaching and learning.

Ms. Tika also asked to us to though about assessment iceberg. The ice berg reflect about types of assessment. There are formative, summative and diagnostic.

That’s all my reflection. Thanks 🙂

Aida Rahmi_2009110014

Week 10 Reflection – Nia Salamah (2009110018)

I can not tell you a lot in this reflection. In this meeting, I did not go to class because of illness. I get some idea of what is done in class. In this meeting, described the three types of assessments, namely the diagnostic, formative, and summative. I still can not understand each of these 😦 . I hope my friends can help me to understand it and explain what happened in class. Maybe that’s all I can reflect on in this meeting.

Peta, More Active, Creative, Reflective

Peta; effective or ineffective that were keywords. I always reflected and tried to apply it and asked myself when doing such a private teaching but in more simple way. After learning this subject I wondered what my real class would be, what my class should be, would my teaching in the future be effective or it would happen in the opposite way? I learned a lot about how the assessment took role in students understanding. It had a big role I think; the teacher monitored the progress of students through assessments.

In the previous class meeting, I analyzed study case about Devonne’s class whose his class was learning about fraction. I was also learning about Iceberg assessment Theory. Other thing that I learned was we were defining (differing) summative, formative and also psycho motor. And much more activities would we do in a certain 150 minutes. It was very interesting and interacting activities.

So, what were the effective of Peta’s class that day?
1. The activities
Analyzing Devonne’s class, analyzing class activities by paper and other activities were started by open ended question. It was challenging students’ idea to be more creative and think out of the box. Instead of merely just sitting and reading material.
2. Repeating scheme
Some time it was useful for reminding again about the concept that had just been given
3. E3; Express, explore & Enjoy
Students were free to express, explore and enjoy the learning (Students centered)
4. Humor
Teacher implemented humor inside the class
5. Project based learning
It was a very creative part of class activities

Now, what was the ineffective?
1. No games
Sometimes it was useful for breaking the peak of boring in the middle of the class
2. Lack of real life example
I needed more example of summative, formative and psycho motor assessment. Because it is easier for me to defining 3 each of those assessments by example

I think Peta’s Class was more flawless. I enjoyed the learning and also the activities inside the classroom. Effective learning activities are those that require students to process information rather than transfer information or answer questions without understanding. Today still not using high students involvement?

Picture Source: http://www.lancs.ac.uk/celt/celtweb/files/shared/chrissi-n.jpg
Muhammad Zaenudin
Mathematics Department

reflection in week 10

This is my reflection about learning process in last week. I will share about the effective and ineffective of learning process. Actually, there are so many things that I had learnt in last week especially about assessment. This topic is about how to assess our students by using vary technique of assessment. But, there were little problem In the first of learning, the learning process did not run well, because many students that come late. We have to wait them for fifteen minutes. Maybe, this is the one of the ineffective in this learning. :(:(

After fifteen minutes, Ms. Tika began the learning at once. She asked the students to define about the definition of assessment technique as the topic that we learnt. There were so many opinions about the definition include me. Then, she asked us to read a story of Nancy, it was about a teacher that change technique of learning and assessment. The story was very interesting, because it reflected to us that as a teahcer we have to use some technique of assessment to assess students understanding, and it is not only about paper and test.

Not only that, we also learnt about types of assessment. The advantage of this context is we can know kinds of assessment, they are formative assessment, summative assessment, and diagnostic assessment. We also learnt about the purpose and the characteristic of these types of learning. It gave us more information to use each types base on time and our purpose of learning process. Beside that, Ms. Tika gave us informations about dominions of assessment such as cognitive, affective, and psychomotor, even some of us already know about it. After that, Ms. Tika divide us into seven groups. As a group We are asked to determine where is the effective and ineffective, then we make a cluster of the effective and ineffective.

That’s all our activities in PETA class. I think all the activities facilitated the effective teaching, because I can understand the meaning of learning. The ineffective teaching is only about time especially in the beginning. 🙂 🙂

nur arifin_2009110006

Reflection PETA in week 10th

In last week meeting, Ms Tika taught us about effective assessment. There are many types of assessment, and we learned how to choose appropriate assessment. Assessment also useful to choose an instructional method that the teacher will use.

At the beginning, we did brainstorming together and class discussion. Every students thought, what are the purpose of doing assessment and how the assessment will achieve the learning objectives. In next activities, Ms Tika gave us two cases and we analyze it. The first case is a story about Nancy. Nancy is a teacher who her students feel unmotivated in class and their grades are low. Nancy think, what is wrong with her way of teaching. Then Nancy think that she have to change her way of assess her students, from the common type like multiple choice to do a presentation. the result shows that her students can perform better.

From Nancy case, we learned that the purpose of assessment includes, create an appropriate instructional method to achieve the learning objectives.

Second case is Devonne story. Devonne give students some exercises about prior knowledge her students. Devonne do repetition on giving exercises because she saw that her students not really understand about the material.

From Devonne case, we learned about the types of assessment and the time to use the assessment.

At the end of class, we did a group discussion to decide what are the characteristic of effective assessment

Well, this is my reflection, sorry if this reflection incomplete

Rahayu Kinasih


My Reflection of PETA

In the 10th meeting, there was different from meeting before. Lets remember ! there were some students who came late to class,it was different from day usual. I did not know why it could happen .. I am sorry that I also came late to the class but I had asked for permission to Ms. Tika by Eki that I had to accompany my friend. I think that I am the last students who came late, but there were also students who came late. This is one of ineffective part in learning.

Class management could not be controlled, but learning process had to keep running. When I entered class, the class discussed about the article, I did not know about what. After that, I just got the article and it was about Nancy’s Experience. The next activities, Ms. Tika gave us the article again about DeVonne Experience. Then,we were asked to answer the question which is in this article. After that, Ms. Tika explained about assesment. Now, I know that assesment consist of 3 types, they are diagnostic, formative, and summative. The next slide, Ms. Tika gave us the picture of iceberg. We were asked to interpret the picture about the describe formative, and summative. Actually, I am still confused abut that. 😦

The next activites, students were divided into several group, one group consist of 3 person. Ms. Tika gave each group some vignettes. We were asked to match about which one is effective and ineffective assesment. Our group cooperate well, I were interested with this activities. After that, we equate our answer with Ms. Tika’s answer. Our group got 3 parts was wrong, because we were confused. But overall, its activities was fun and interested.

Titiah Dewi Masitoh

Week 10 Reflection

In week 10 of PETA, we learn about what kind of assessment that we (as teacher candidate) will use to make it appropriate with our students in classroom. By assessment, teacher can know about students’ understanding with the material. Through Nancy’s problem I learn about how teacher make a good assessment to students. Teacher should consider about class condition and students’ background. In this problem, Nancy thinks about what kind of assessment that will she used to make students understanding about her material. Nancy was never give up to change her assessment to students which more appropriate with her students. Finally, she found a good assessment to her students, so the students can understand the lesson. Later on, I hope I can do what Nancy’s did, because think about assessment for students is very important, it could be my reflection to be an innovative teacher 🙂
After that, Miss Tika was dividing us into some groups. Each group consists of 3 persons. We are given some papers, and we should choose of them, which the effective assessment and ineffective assessment. Sometimes, my group is still confused to decide which is the effective assessment and ineffective assessment. Then we discuss it together. I think it’s interesting so much. I’ve got new knowledge today. Thanks all 🙂

Hanna Anggraeni

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